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VOICE Newsletter 10/2007 available

  Date: 2007-10-16 23:37:02
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

The October edition of the VOICE Newsletter is now available online.

In the latest issue you find:

  • And now for Something Completely Different -- Christian Hennecke has ideas how to reanimate
  • Head to Head -Thinkpad T30 running eComStation 1.2 versus Macbook Pro running MacOSX Tiger 10.4 -- Cheng-Yang Tan is promoting the competitor
  • Exploring Feature Install -Part 1: Object-Based Installation -- Alex Taylor -- how to install software using ancient IBM Feature Install
  • Virtual memory technique -- Sjoerd Visser prepared useful information for developers of eComStation applications and drivers
  • Creating Karaoke disks with OS/2 and eComStation -- Bart Bremmers prefers active relaxation
  • And of course letters, addenda, and tips! -- 0 советов


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Ideas for the developers:

DevCon: Update your applications, integrate new File Open Dialog (dialog to select files and directories).

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