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No free slots at Warpstock Europe 2010

  Date: 2010-04-08 10:47:14
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

WSE2007 -- 23 presentations, WSE2008 -- 22 presentations, WSE2009 -- 21 presentations, Warpstock Europe 2010 = 14 presentations are listed..

eCo Software was going show 3 presentations at WSE2010:

  • Discussion of eComStation future
  • Discussion of new libraries for developers of eComStation applications
  • Demonstration of new applications and utilities for eComStation

We apologize for the problems, no free slots for our presentations

  • we are not going pay for the participation (the right to make the presentation, not registration) in the conference (this is the first case when you should pay for this in the history of Warpstock Europe)
  • no free slots for OS/2-related reports (although 1/3 of presentations don't relate to OS/2 directly)

We are searching for other users which were rejected and can't make the presentation to discuss the problem.

How to contact Warpstock Europe organizers: * Contact page * CC: Presentations -> e-mail of Presentation manager


2010-04-09 10:23:34

... ..... "... ......... _......_" ?

Warpstock Event Team
2010-04-10 14:00:00

The Warpstock Europe 2010 Event Team cannot accept the allegation to sell presentation slots for money. These accusations are completly false.

It is true that the presentations submitted by Eugene Gorbunoff have been evaluated according to the official process and first had been declined, because all presentation slots are already planned.

But the event team made the offer to Eugene Gorbunoff to free a presentation slot for his presentation (and taking away a slot from another presentation) if he would give away a free license of the NeoWPS to the audience of his presentation. This would be a "goodie" for the visitors of our congress and to his benefit as his products would get spread additionally. Eugene Gorbunoff refused this proposal. So we changed the proposal and suggested a model which would include a special price for the visitors of his presentation and an other special price for the other congress visitors. This is still the status quo.

We are still all set to properly evaluate all proposals we receive until the official end of the Call for Papers. And we will include those proposals which will enrich our presentation program.

Das Organisationsteam Warpstock Europe 2010 widerspricht dem Vorwurf, Vortragszeiten gegen Geld zu verkaufen. Diese Behauptung ist in jeder Hinsicht falsch.

Wahr ist, dass die von Eugene Gorbunoff eingereichten gem.. dem offiziellen Prozedere gepr.ft und zun.chst abgelehnt wurden, weil bereits alle Vortragseinheiten verplant sind.

Eugene Gorbunoff wurde aber von uns angeboten, dass wir einen Vortragsslot (zu Lasten eines anderen Vortrags) freimachen k.nnten, wenn er jedem Zuh.rer am Ende des Vortrages eine kostenlose Lizenz der NeoWPS .bereignen w.rde. Dies w.rde einerseits ein "Goodie" f.r die Besucher unseres Kongresses darstellen und andererseits zu seinem Nutzen dazu dienen, dass seine Produkte eine weitere Verbreitung f.nden. Dieser Vorschlag wurde von Eugene Gorbunoff abgelehnt, woraufhin wir unseren Vorschlag abge.ndert und ein Modell mit einem Sonderpreis f.r Vortragsbesucher und einem Sonderpreis f.r Messebesucher vorgeschlagen haben. In diesem Zustand sind wir verblieben und dies stellt den aktuellen Status Quo dar.

Wir sind weiterhin bereit, alle bis zum offiziellen Ende des Call for Papers eingehenden ordnungsgem.. und sorgf.ltig zu pr.fen und, die eine Bereicherung unseres Vortragsangebots darstellen, mit in die Planung einzuarbeiten.

2010-04-10 16:01:15

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Andrei Duk
2010-04-10 18:12:14

It is absolute nonsence for Warpstock Europe not to provide the Russian developers representative free presentation slot. I have no idea if it was true that Eugene Gorbunoff refused to take the slot in exchange for NeoWps license. But when OS/2 community monthly diminishes, the squabble between the conference organizers and one of the most important providers is foolish. Shame on you, Warpstock Europe organizers&#8230;

2010-04-11 15:11:54


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