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OS2.GURU - Does Samba client work for you? [[ header START ]]
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Does Samba client work for you?

  Date: 2011-03-30 12:17:39
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff

We still can't understand, does Samba client work for eComStation users? Do you have troubles with connection and read/write access? Please post confirmation or add-ons.

bug-report #1
  • user 2: eCS 2.0 RC6a ?? or GA, Open remote text file, add some characters, save it. You see that the size of file = 0. Reomte PC: other eComStation / IBM Peers.
  • user 1: eCS 2.0 GA, edit remote text file with fc/2, save - fc/2 reports that the file was modified by other process/program after load.
bug-report #2
  • user 1: eCS 2.0 GA, Version: ndpsmb-2_0_1-GA-20110306.wpi , if upload files to share, then remote disk dissapears (in several seconds/minutes) with all mounted points. Remote computers: Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP

Samba client bug-tracker


Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-03-30 17:00:40

User 3: Samba client just works here (Windows XP

remote stations, some Linux). No FOC. NLV: French systems (French codepage). Remote PC have WinXP french installed.

User 4: Samba client . NDFS ........ ........ .........., ........ .. 100. .... 10-11../...

.... ........ - .. . .... .. . .... ....... demon NDFS. ...... ... .......... . ............ ....... ......., . .. ........... ... .... ...-.. ........... . ..... ...... ... ........ . .. ........, .. ..... ......, ... ..... nicck .... .. ........ - .. ... .... ...... ........ . ...............

user 1 ..........: . .... . ... ...... ... .... .. FOC ... ......... . ....... ...... . .... .... ....

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-03-30 17:05:03

bug-reports A) Samba client + FOC = [url]

bug-reports B) Samba client + OpenOffice = OOo File open dialogue is very slow on a Samba share with lots of files -- [url]

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-03-30 17:17:34

For User 1: Connections Dropping Out - - [url]

User 3 add-ons: NetDrive, not EVFS.

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-03-30 17:30:59

Herwig: I am doing the testing of the Samba

client. The current release works very well, and we are not aware of any serious issues right now. What's your problem?

Herwig: The OOo issue has been resolved meanwhile. That was not true in eCS 2.0.


What we saw with OOo was that due to the fact that the client did no caching at all, there was

awfully lot of traffic across the network. I suppose the same might be true with FOC

Herwig: ndpsmb-2_0_1-GA-20110306.wpi - That one is the latest and greatest (it

has caching added)

Herwig: To user 2: Lots of things were fixed/improved between RC6 and now. I know there is at least one codepage fix.

You might want to try

[url] because all future development will happen here. It is based upon Samba 3.3 and at least here it already works very well.

Eirik Romstad
2011-03-31 02:43:15

Samba client works excellent (only used against a MicroSoft network). Fast and stable operation, ver. 2.0.4 (originally shipped with eCS 2.0 GA)

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-03-31 02:55:03

User 5:

. ...... ...... ........ ...... ...........: ....... . ............... ......... ......... ...... . ......... ......... FC, ..... ......../......../........ - ............ .. ..... .......... FC ........ ... ..... ..... .......... (... .... .. .... ......... ..... ......... ..... ........ . ......). ...., ........, ... ....... .....-......, ...

... ...... . ....... (......, ......) ..... ....... .... ........, ...... ndctl, .......... ......... .......

........ ....../...... . ..... ......... ...... ..........

.... 1: .... ....... rtgnda, .. ... ..... .... ........ ....... . ......

2011-03-31 11:01:23

....... rtgnda ........ ......., .... mac ....... ...... ..... ;))

.... mac ....... ......., .. ...... . ........ ... ........ .. .. ....., ......., .. ...........

2011-04-01 21:21:33

..... ....... .......... .... ..... ....... ma.??

2011-04-02 08:56:25

. rtdnda?

... .....: [url]

2011-04-02 21:09:37

........ ........ - ....... .........

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-04-13 13:26:06


.... ..... ..... ............ . .. ..... .... uconv . .... ......., ...... ... . ... ...........

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