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Version 04/09/2008

1. Build date is used to identify version for General Network Utilities.
2. Enhancements in Ping:
   - etoolkit is used for toolbar creating;
   - now number of scanned hosts/ranges of hosts are 16;
   - command line syntax is improved. It is possible to pass list of hosts in
   - it is possible to load list of sites from file. For example see
     file os2sites.txt;
   - nodes' identifiers are kept as entered without translation:
   - metric for every node is calculated as:
     It is possible to sort nodes' list according the metric.
3. Minor fix for usage of NLS files. Requirement for main storage is decreased.
4. FW-Pro continues to work without FWIP.SYS driver.

Version 24/06/2008

1. Enhancements in FW-Pro:
   - during startup FW-Pro reads configuration files fwsecad.cnf and
   - confirmation is required to close FW-Pro.
2. Enhancements in IPinfo:
   - it is possible to change/remove interfaces;
   - ifconfig is not used for access to interfaces.
3. IPtracer can switch LAN interface to promiscuous mode.
4. During installation version of eCo Software runtime is checked.

Version 2/06/2008

1. Thanks to Guillaume Gay added support to French language.
2. Enhancements / Bug Fixes in FW-Pro:
   - FW_Pro saves the current firewall status and, if necessary, starts
     firewall automatically:
   - Passing FW-Pro the MIN parameter minimizes the application;
   - rule "Permit access to DNS servers (desired)" changed to rule
     "Permit access to DHCP and DNS servers (recommended)";
   - fixed bug in stopping the firewall.
3. Enhancements / Bug Fixes in IPfmt program:
   - IPfmt keeps the path to directory with last opened trace file and opens
     this directory for selecting a new trace file:
   - fixed bug when detail info about packet was not cleared.
4. During GNU installation object for FW-Pro program created in Startup folder.
5. All programs are rebuilt with eCo Software toolkit to support
   eCo Software runtime.
   See http://ru.ecomstation.ru/projects/developer/?action=ecosoft-toolkit
   and http://ru.ecomstation.ru/projects/developer/?action=ecosoft-runtime

Version 24/03/2008

1. progress.dll was removed from GNU package. You can download the all needed
   DLLs from eCo Software Developer Connection site

Version 18/03/2008

1. Programs ConnStat, ARP and IPconfig were deleted from GNU package.
2. Fixed bug in Ping program.
3. Progress indicator added to programs Ping, PortScan, ARPscan and IPscan.
4. Improved fonts usage.
5. Options Font was addded to IPtracer prograns.
6. GNU package contains progress.dll.

Version 10/10/2007

1. Connections page was added to IPtables program.
   As the result ConnStat program will be withdrawn since 01/01/2008.
2. Windows size and position during first start was improved.

Version 19/09/2007

1. Thanks to Ivan Smirnoff (aka WiZard) there are new icons for GNU programs.
2. Windows appearance is imroved.
3. ARPscan program can set the interval for scanning automatically.

Version 25/07/2007

1. IPtables allows to create routes with any mask (version 3/07/2007
   constraints are removed).
2. Ipinfo allows to define interface.
3. Appearance of IPinfo and IPtables programs is enhanced.
4. Small fix in PortScan program.

Version 3/07/2007

1. Appearance of IPinfo is changed.
2. Pages from IPconfig program were added to IPinfo program.
3. New program IPtables included to GNU package. It allows viewing and
   modifying the content of ARP table and routing table. Routing table info
   removed from IPinfo now.

1. Restrictions - current version of IPtables allows adding networks without
   subnetworks ONLY.
2. As the result of repacking GNU, ARP and IPconfig programs would not
   modernized anymore. To smooth migration to the new programs they will be
   included to following builds of GNU until 01/01/2008.

Version 19/06/2007

1. Fixed bug in IPtracer program becomes apparent with big number of
   transferring packets.
2. NetUtils uses the other method for start programs. That provides the
   possibility to stop / restart NetUtils program.
3. Added support for IMAP protocol for FW-Pro predefined rules and for IPfmt
4. Repainting in some programs was improved.
5. Provided support for national text in the title of font selection dialog.

Version 5/05/2007

1. Added support to Swedish language. Thanks to Bjorn Soderstrom.
2. Dialog "Load predefined configuration" was replaced with dialog
   "Load predefined rules" in FW-Pro program.
3. Bug fix in FW-Pro program.

Version 9/04/2007

1. Fixed icons "blinking" during window resizing.
2. Bug fix for first start of IntStat program.
3. Registration reminder works more correctly.
4. Size of text fields calculates based on text lenght.

Version 11/03/2007

1. ecolange.dll included into GNU package.
2. Dialog About contains link to GNU Web page.
3. Small fix in ARPscan program to improve scan relults stability.
4. Bug fix in FW-Pro program (incorrect text in some columns).
5. FW-Pro contains new predefined configuration with IRC support.

Version 14/02/2007

1. GNU programs descriptions' added into NetUtils.nls.
2. IPinfo uses safer alternative functions for preventing abnormal end when
   routing table is too big.
3. ARPscan runs more rapidly because it uses new algorithm.

Version 11/02/2007

1. IPinfo retrieves the Internet IP address assigned to the host PC.
2. Small fix in IPfmt program.

Version 9/02/2007

1. LANGE tool is used for multilanguage support.
2. Program IPfmt processes NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram Service and Name
   Service packages.
3. Small fix in WhoIs program.

Version 24/01/2007

1. Help files were separated according to languages and put into Help
2. All programs extract messages from lng files.
3. Program IPfmt processes PORTMAP and NetBIOS over TCP/IP Session Service


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