НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Upgrade ArcaOS to NeoWPS level

  • Install original PNG icons drawed by designer, specialized at OS/2 adornation.
  • Install eSchemes 2018 to change colors and buttons on desktop.

Let's develop open source POS for eComStation!

TITLE: Let's develop open source POS for eComStation!

DATE: 2010-11-07 16:54:11

AUTHOR: eCo Software
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go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://en.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=224
to your language

Point of sale based on eComStation

What is the structure of Shop?

Every shop/restaurant has a network of computers which includes:

  • several Points Of Sale
  • Database PC
  • Accountant PC

All computers are equipped with Ethernet/WiFi adapters.

How to build UserInterface of POS

You can use PM means,

(John Urbaniak: I use VisPro Rexx. It is an excellent GUI development platform. And I use Object Rexx as the underlying language - also excellent)



  • Don't use many colors if many buttons.

Help us to collect recommendations, examples.


The information is provided by Igor Vaskov



Test the program:

NetDrive - attach ftp-directory to a drive letter (webDAV, .iso, NTFS volume, ..)


eCo Software is a group of russian developers.
How to support eCo Software? (you can send us some computers. Maybe you don't use the device but it may be useful for the developers). We have the mailboxes in USA, Netherlands, China and Hong Kong.



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021