Solutions based on OS/2

Solutions based on OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 

Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




Usage of IBM OS/2 Warp and eComStation in the past

В прошлом OS/2 применялась:

Usage of OS/2 in the past

Tell us where did you see OS/2 / eComStation?

2012/06 Tony: As of April 2012 the Advanced Traffic Mgmt System (ATMS) in Richmond, VA is still running on OS2 Warp 4! (24/7)
2010/summer POS, Supermarkets Stop and Shop (Grand Union), USA

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2004 Will: The last time I saw an OS/2 machine in the business world was in 2004. I found an OS/2 maching runing in text mode (no workplace shell) acting as a RIP to an OCE high speed printer/copier. OCE is a dutch company so




(RUS) Astronauts Training Complex

eComStation is a nice tool for real-time modeling tasks and organization of presentable work places for service personnel.

Product of Center of trainer construction and training the personnel

(RUS) Program and firmware set for servicing of the carrier rockets

Software, which works under control of eComStation, carries out tracking of the starting of carrier rockets from the spaceports of the Russian Federation.

Product of State unitary enteprise of the scientific-engineering Center Of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Processing of data from meteorological satellites

(RUS) Computers equipped with eComStation play key role in the complexes of processing of data received from meteorological satellites.

Product of Satellite Monitoring Laboratory, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Russian Academy of Sciences (SML/IACP/RAS)


Sound processing




Olympic Games

Backup systems

Co-StandbyServer for e-Business allows you to connect two servers to a high availability cluster through a dedicated high-speed link. Co-StandbyServer for e-business continually mirrors data between the two systems. If a server fails - either from hardware failure or software corruption - the other cluster machine takes over the additional server functions automatically, so users can continue to access data and applications seamlessly. (Innotek GmbH)



In 1999 and later: Warp Server for e-business was used in several USA airports (help us to find the text, it was distributed on promo-CD)

The system was used in airport ticket-agent terminals (1997, source)


Mainframe emulators

(RUS) Firmware complex xSeries S/370

The specialists of HetNet company developed comprehensive program, which makes it possible to accomplish instruction system S/370 in the environment of the eComStation operating system.

Product of HetNet

(RUS) Firmware complex "Bouquet"

Product of State unitary enteprise of the scientific-engineering Center Of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Mainframe control


Municipal transport

(ENG) June 2007 -- Signaling system for Muni subway in San Francisco

Misc areas of usage

OS/2 Warp 3 was used in different areas in 1994




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