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OS2.GURU - SNAP video for OS/2 and eComStation acquired [[ header START ]]
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SNAP video for OS/2 and eComStation acquired

  Date: 2011-07-22 16:17:04
Correspondent: Eugene Gorbunoff
Source: OS2VOICE

Mensys B.V. of the Netherlands has acquired the source code and rights to create binary distributions of the SNAP product for OS/2 in an agreement with the company Alt Richmond Inc. of Canada. The SNAP graphics driver provides high performance support for current graphic chipsets on eComStation.

"The SNAP acquisition fits the Mensys strategy to continue to provide ongoing support for the OS/2 operating system", says Roderick Klein of Mensys B.V. "We believe that in combination with the Panorama video driver technology we will be able to create the best performing generic video driver for eComStation to date. We are delighted that we have been able to acquire this code and are very happy with the cooperation, responsiveness and profesionalism of Alt Richmond."

Developers that are interested in helping with the fusion of SNAP and Panorama are welcome to contact Mensys:


2011-07-22 19:34:54

....... ........ ... ........ ... .... .... .. .........: . ... ....... .. ........ . ...... ..... .. ...........

2011-07-22 23:21:07

.. ... ..... ............. ... ... ........ ...... .. ......... .. ....... (Firefox, Open office .....) .... ......... ............., ...... ....... Panorama VESA .........., .. ... ..... .. .. ....... .......

..... ........ .. .......... .... ......... . ............ ...... ........

Igor Vaskov
2011-07-23 13:59:24

. ..... SNAP .. .... OpenSource .. ..... .. .....?

. ......, .... .. ......., ......... ....... ..... . ...... Closed.

... ... ...... ... ....... . ...-.. ........?

2011-07-23 17:10:41

Igor Vaskov

..... ... .. .... ........, .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... . .. .... ..... Panorama VESA .. ..........

..... ... ...-.... ..... .....??

Igor Vaskov
2011-07-24 00:59:21

.. . ...... ......, ... .......... ... ........ .......... ....... ..... ............ ... ...... .. ....... .......... ...... . .., ... ... ..... ............ ..... .. ....... .... . ..., ... ....... .. ............. . ..... ............. .. ............ .... ......, . ....., ...... ........ ...... ... ........... .......... .........

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-07-24 02:15:43

CraigM: So what you all think of mensys getting the SNAP drivers?

Grimus: CraigM: Great, but only a first step. Let's see if they get the right resources (programmers, e.g., Michal Necasek) and strategic decisions that benefit the community, e.g. focus on limited number of chipsets, but full feature set. I am afraid the right business decision will rather be rock solid basics on a maximum number of chipsets...

At least they have to solve SMP compatibility for SNAP. This is needed also by business costumers

CraigM: I agree and actually don't mind that...makes my purchasing a great video card easier

2011-07-24 09:42:03

..... ...... .. ............ .......... ....., .. -.... .......... ......... .... .. ........ ....... .......

2011-07-24 13:06:40

.... .. ...... ........ .. ......... ......

2011-07-26 10:28:16

.........!!! . .. .. ........, . ......, ............ ......, ...... ...... .... . ...... .......

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-07-29 14:28:21

Hendrik: Does this mean that there is a chance for support of newer gpu chipsets ?

Roderick Klein (Mensys):

Compared to 2 or 3 years ago its becoming easier as more and more companies are merging that manufactor GPU chipsets.

But as I have written before in forums. Supporting GPU in a native fashion is not the best solution. We don't have all the man power.Some people volunteered but I still

have the impression going with a VESA driver is better.

Next to that with **proper** setup of MTRR registers and a generic wide screen enabler we should have enough speed and support for non standard resolutions.

We (Mensys) do not suspect the VESA interface will go away that quickly. Other people speculate it might go away VESA support, but I have not yet seen any hard technical evidence for that. If anybody has that envidence then

please let me know.

Eugene Gorbunoff
2011-07-29 14:32:38

Roderick Klein:

This is part of an email with some additional info that I posted about a month ago to the eComStation developer mailing:

"If you look closely at my Warpstock presentations, you can see that Panorama has to be updated to setup MTRR registers correctly on modern CPU's. There is a lot of BS going around about Panorama. The reason it's slow on some machines is because the MTRR registers are not set properly. SNAP in some cases also does it wrong. This can give up to a 100 fold performance difference (we measured that with Sysbench on one system with correctly and incorrectly set MTRR registers).

We also have a developer in the US that is working on a wide screen enabler. The goal is to support in VESA mode, resolutions that the VESA BIOS does not provide normally.

There are no human resources to write native video drivers currently. Scitech at the time had situations where a video chipset would be native supported on one, but not another system, even if it was certified. Hence the reason why VESA support with proper MTRR value's and the wide screen enabler will get much higher priority, then native chipset support.

There is one thing however that people need to understand about SNAP. SNAP is not the holy grail. SNAP, just like Panorama, relies on screen01.sys and other parts of the GRADD video subsystem.. Also some of the lower video components need to be updated. We already have access to a rewritten version of SCREEN01.SYS in C but that needs further work. BHSVGA.DLL and VSVGA.SYS will require some maintance as well. This will also require man hours.

Next to that SNAP seems to have problems on some SMP systems. SNAP does not work properly with suspend/resume of ACPI. The VESA code of Panorama needs to be put into SNAP and the screenbuffer code of Panorama needs to be fixed to support DIVE correctly.

So native chipsets support is not ruled out but currently none are planned as first a lot of work needs to be done on SNAP itself and the underlying GRADD code."

2011-07-29 22:30:20

...., .. .... ... - ... .. ..... .... .. ..... ..... ....... VESA GRADD .........

2011-08-08 14:28:14

.. ....., ... ...... ..... ........ .. snap, ....... ..... .. ........ ;) .. ..... .. ........., ... ... ...... . .........

2011-08-16 00:59:55

....... .. ........ ........

.. ... 6 ...... ......... ...........

... ... .. (......) nv gt430 _......._, .. ........ ..., hd ..... .......

. ..... ... .... . ......... ......?

.. ..... 2011, ..... ... ... ...... ....., ..... hd ........-..........

. ... ..... . .......... .......... . ....... ... ..... ...

2011-08-16 10:00:18

SNAP ... ........ ....... . ....... ........ ..... .... ....... .. ........... ..........

....... . ..... ... . .... ........... ... ... . ..... ....... ....... .. .. ......... .............. ...... ... ...... .. ........ .. ..... .... ... ... ....... ... ..... ............. ..........., ... ... ............. ............... ... ...... .... . ....-.. ............. ....... ..........-.. . ... ...... .. ... ..... ........ ......... . ..... ..... ......, ....... ........-.. .. .....-.. ............. ..............

Пользователь не авторизован
2012-02-28 13:35:05

....... ...........

.. . ........... ..... ......, ...... ... eCS ... .... .......... .......... opensource ..............? ......... ...... ..........., . ......., ........ Ati ........ .. [url] ... Nouveau ........ [url] ? .... ...... . ..... .......... ............. ......... -- ... . ..., ... ........ . ....... ........... ............. ....... ... ... ...... ....?

... ......: Nouveau .... ........... . AROS [url] .

AROS -- ... ...... AMiGA OS. ........ ........ ....... .... .. ...., ... Nouveau ........ ......... ... AROS, Nouveau ........... ......... ........... .. ...... .. ...... .... .. ..... .......

....., ... NVidia .... ....... .......... .......... ......... . Haiku . . Plan9. ........ ... Haiku .... ........ ..... . ........ Rudolf Cornelissen, ... -- ....... ........ .......... ............. ...... . .......... . Haiku . .......... (.. ...., . .... . .... ...., ... .......... ....... . .........)

.. ........ ........., ..... . Haiku . SVN trunk ........ ....... . ...... API .......... ........ ......... . 2d .........., ...... ........ ......... .............. .... . ..... ......, ... . Nouveau . ....... ... 3d ......... .... ......., .. ... ......... . ..... ........... .... MESA . Gallium(.... Mesa . Haiku ...... .. Mesa . Linux). ..... ..... VESA ....... ".. .......", . MTRR . .......

. Plan9, ... . "............ Plan9" -- plan9front: [url] ........ .... [url] -- ... Generic VESA ......., . NVIDIA ....... [url] . ........, ... ........ ........ . Plan9 [url]

.. ...., .. ........ ......... . Plan9 .... nvidia ......., ................ .. nv ........ ..., ....... ............ 2d .......... ........ .............. .. ..... ....., ...., ......, ... . Haiku.

... ........ ......... ..., ... ... . . Haiku -- .......... ...... ........ ....... . .........., ......, .. ........... ...... .... .. ....... ..... ......, ..... .........., ..... ........... . .............

....., ......: ......... ...... ........... . eCS ........ .. (.. .......... "........."): Plan9, Haiku, AROS Nouveau, Linux Nouveau ???

... ..... ........ ... .......... ............. . eCS, ..... ........... ......... ..... ......... . .... . ..... -- ......... ....../...... ........... ........ .. .... .. . eCS??? .. ...., ......... ...... ........... .... ......... . ...... .. .......... .. ........... ......... . eCS?

...... ....... ..... . ...... SNAP ... .........

... ........ .... . ........... SNAP, .. ..-....., Nouveau ... ........ ......... (.. ..... "..... ......" .........., ... ....:KMS/DRM, Mesa/Gallium3d/llvm, .....

.. ....... ...... ..... AROS Nouveau/Linux Nouevau -- ........ . Linux ........ ......... .. .... ...... [url] :

Nouveau is made of 3 components: DDX (2D driver), DRI (3D driver) and DRM (kernel component).

1. ..... ....: KMS ("Kernel Mode Switching") -- ... ......... MTRR, .............

2. ..... ....: DRM

3. 2d . 3d ......... (DDX . DRI+ Mesa/Gallium3d).

... ........ Mesa/Gallium3d:




..... .... ..... -- state trackers:


........ ............-......... (nvidia,ati,intel) ..... . ......... .......

...... .......... llvm ............, ... ... ... ..... ...... llvm . ...... ........ (??? ... ..... ........ ................???)

.. ....... AROS/Nouveau . Linux/Nouveau, .......... ....., ... Nouaveu ....... .. .. .......... .... .... ......., . ... ... .... ..... ...... AROS/Nouveau .........., ......... ................ ..... ...... ..... ..... .. ...-.... .....-.. ......... . .... ..... ..............

......, ......... ...... ..... ......... ........ . .... eCS.


...... .......... ..... ........... .. SNAP. ....... .....: ......... .. ........... GPU ....../......... .. .. ......, ........... ... ......., . ........... ........... -- ...... ........ ...... ............ (. .. llvm/clang).

......, . . ... ........ ........ .. ......... . ..... ............ Nouveau/Gallium3d/Mesa/llvm

-- ... ........ ........... SNAP ... .......... .. ... .... .........???


..... (... ....):

1. ........, ... SNAP ..... ........ .......... ..... ........... ........ .......... ...... ......., .......... .......... ..... ......... ..... .......... . AROS/Nouveau,Linux/Nouveau (............., .. .......) ... Haiku, Plan9 (....., ........... ........ .......). .... .. .....-.... ........ . ............. ......... .. BSD ........, ........?

2. ........, ........... SNAP ..... ........ .. ...... ...... Nouveau/Mesa/Gallium3d. .... ..... ........, ........ Nouveau ........... . SNAP-......... ....?? . ...... ...... .......... ...... .. .....

3. ........, . .... ..... ........ ...... .. ...... KMS/DRM . Linux . . GUI PM .. ...... .. DDX/DRI. ???(..... ...., . ...... ... ..... ......... ...... .............. "........... .........").

4. ...... . ....., ..... ...... .....: .......... SNAP ... ........... ........ ........ .. ...... Nouveau/Mesa/Gallium3d. AKA: ". ... ........ ... ........ ........... SNAP ... ..............".

5. IMHO, ...... .... ... ....... 2 .............. .......... ......... ......... ... eCS, opensource . ......... .... ... ............. . ............ ........./......... . ........ ......... ........ GPU, ............. .. ...... .. . ...... -- .........., . ".........." ............ (... . SNAP) ..... ....... ...... . ........... (. ............) .......... ............... ..... ..... ........ .. .. ...... ......... (......../BSD vs. GPL).

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