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eComStation 2.0

2007-12-14 03:15:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We recommend to developers of applications and drivers join the testing of eComStation 2.0 and check the compatibility (runtimes are updated, new fixes are included. the behaviour of the system is changing)

eComStation Software Subscription

2007-11-27 02:33:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

European users often ask us about Software Subscription. Please contact your reseller, we serve russian speaking users only.

We recommend switch to subscription because this will minimize your expenses to eComStation + this will make the manufacturer search for new users on other markets (this is good for eComStation community).

If your subscription has expired - immediately contact your reseller. If reactivate it without delays, you get it for lower price.

Do you use eComStation and OS/2 Warp at home?

2007-11-19 14:45:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Do you use eComStation and OS/2 Warp at home? We are going publish an overview with the results of the poll (write in comments more details and notify us can we use your name as a source)

  • yes, several computers with eCS, the whole family is using
  • yes, several computers, the whole family, but many problems
  • yes, 1 computer, the whole family is using eCS
  • yes, 1 computer, i am using eCS alone
  • no, the system is unusable for home

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers)

How to buy eComStation 2.0?

2007-11-14 20:39:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

November, 2007 -- new generation of eComStation operating system (IBM OS/2 Warp platform) is under construction and localization. The list of changes and improvements in eComStation 2.0 RC3

  • If you have a license of eComStation 1.2.5 and eComStation Software Subscription then use new components, help to developers of multimedia and commercial programs.
  • If you have eComStation 1.2 then upgrade to eComStation 1.2.5, update the Software Subscription.
  • If your company is using IBM OS/2 Warp then you are late for five years, please upgrade to eComStation.

ACPI 3.03, suspend/resume, QuadCore

2007-10-14 22:23:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Now testing:

  • suspend/resume on multi-core notebooks and barebones (Read APM.doc)
  • support of QuadCore desktops (follow standard recommendations: ACPI-SMP.doc), Please inform us, does it work well or not.

How to achieve success in testing?

  • update danis506.add to 1.8.1 (How to update Danis -- Software updates)
  • disable all device drivers before testing suspend/resume (USB, audio, network)
  • You can see the list of Sleep states supported by your computer when starting ACPI daemon (S1 - computer is stopped; S2 - computer is stopped, part of devices are powered off; S3 - all devices are powered off, except memory; S4 - all devices are powered off; S5 - power off)
  • Post the bug-report (ticket) to the tracker (login: guest, pass: netlabs), View tickets

How to post good ticket?

  • From: your name or nickname
  • Title: model of notebook/motherboard/SMP, problem in 3-5 words
  • if you have troubles then grab log: copy acpica$ acpi.log
  • if you see trap then read ACPI-Tester.doc

How to help to other users? Share the results of your tests.

Post report about your computer/motherboard to Hardware database

Install ACPIFU WPI (Fast Upgrade) if 3.x is working fine on your computer.

Remember everything

2007-09-21 14:56:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

www.ecomstation.ru users are writing the brief history of eComStation

  • there is reference to IBM OS/2 Warp
  • user should remember which new features were introduced in every new version
  • remember the names of developers and managers

eComStation Software Subscription

2007-09-06 15:20:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

European users often ask us about Software Subscription. Please contact your reseller, we serve russian speaking users only.

We recommend switch to subscription because this will minimize your expenses to eComStation + this will make the manufacturer search for new users on other markets (this is good for eComStation community).

If your subscription expired - immediately contact your reseller. If reactivate it without delays, you get it for lower price.

Solutions based on eComStation

2007-08-08 19:36:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

OS/2 (eComStation) is alive while people are using and improving the system. The developers of solutions ensure long life for our operating system because computers with OS/2 make money for their customers year by year. The developers bring new industrial technologies to OS/2, feed support service, fill OS/2 with unique features to keep the solutions competitive.

Examples of solutions based on OS/2: ATM, sound processing (speech, digital restoration of sound), training devices (astronauts, oilmen), technical appliances (measuring, medical), virtual machines (mainframes, SVISTA), CMMS, restaurants, etc.

Why should you write the story today?

  • You should do this to protect your investments made into OS/2 platform.
  • OS/2 users are located in different countries and cities. They will read the story because of OS/2 word :) And spread the information about your company and products among own colleagues.
  • The developer of the operating system will get information about your requirements and improve OS to satisfy them.
  • Your story gives stimulus to thousands of users, developers and companies.
  • It's easy. Solution story is based on usual product flyer.

Where to collect solutions? www.ecomstation.ru site is hosting Solutions list since 2002. Yyou can publish german, dutch, english texts there.

How to write Solutions story? Take the flyer of your product, add Introduction, add one-two paragraphs about advantages of OS/2 usage, add 2 advertisement photos/screenshots, 2 screenshots of back-end demonstating usage of OS/2. Use the web-form to send your contact information

Welcome to homepage of solutions!

eCo Software newsletter, 200707

2007-08-06 02:38:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software, news]

In the beginning of the summer we updated: ACPI subsystem, Panorama video drivers, Bootable JFS, General Network Utilities, Piano Launchpad, eSchemes, Firewall ports setup, Personal Cards Manager Traffic Visor III, PNG IO Proc. Mokey's audio IO Proc, T&V HappyPlayer, etc.

eComStation growed in the last 5 years. All planned technologies, applications and drivers were created. What is the next target? The main goal today is select/create TOP TEN eComStation applications (and 30 must-have applications and tools for usual PC user).

1. Updated eCo Software runtime

Please pay attention to requirements of our software, install needed runtimes first.


  • If you have Imagination released in the first part of 2007 and going install new program from eCo Software then ..
  • If you have WPFLDREX.DLL released in the first part of 2007 then ..

Then read the instructions, update the runtime and our software.

2. ACPI sub-system

ACPI is the engine which pushes eComStation ahead today.

Updated ACPI.PSD 2.22 (20070526), APM.ADD, ACPI snooper (download from BETAZONE)

  • ACPI supports multicore notebooks/desktops based on VIA chipset now
  • ACPI.PSD can't boot if MADT ACPI table absent - fixed
  • New switch /St for ACPI.PSD
  • Stack is replaced on UNI and SMP now, so /EIS should work better

APM.ADD - Please join the testing of suspend/resume. eComStation is able perform this operation even on multi-core notebooks! Read ACPI-APM.doc -> 4.0 Usage.

New perspectives make us move the support service to the ACPI tracker, Create ticket, input Title: model of notebook or motherboard or common problem; post the report, attach files. Mention if you have posted reports in the past (we have 2 collections already)

ACPI makes developers create new applications and tools. Please, download new smart and modern Battery Widget

3. WPS extenders

Piano Launchpad 1.20 brings to eComStation desktop: dynamic drawers, any size of icons, backup/restore, bubble tips, help. Read the review here Whatsnew: Fixed some critical bugs; scaling of icons with antialiasing

eSchemes 1.38 (Download from BETAZONE) -- mechanism of desktop schemes (every schemes contains different colors, buttons and other parameters), please apply the schemes designed by professional designers, don't spend time to schemes editing. What's new:

Personal Cards Manager (20070630) Address book, integrated to desktop, Whatsnew: Fixed critical bugs

4. Video drivers

Panorama VESA is available from BETAZONE (20070716)

  • fixing Dive
  • Improved WPS setup
  • To simplify the upgrade of Panorama, you can install warpin package

It's necessary collect at the homepage of Panorama: source code snapshots, libraries for fast drawing of video stream, fullscreen, etc. If you have sources and examples, please contact us. Testing:

  • Does Panorama VESA work fine on DBCS systems?
  • Test output to external monitor (beamer)
  • Test compatibility with multimedia applications, with commercial applications

5. Internet/LAN software

General Network Utilities (20070725) Read more about GNU here (many screenshots): RUS ENG, SWE


  • We fixed all bugs found by new users
  • Changed the algorithms of some utilities
  • Updating the user interface and artwork

Updated Traffic Visor III 1.01.3 (system to analyze IP-traffic)

Updated SVSNET.SYS driver for Serenity Virtual Machine

6. Multimedia applications

  • PNG IO Proc update (20070506), Download from BETAZONE, whatsnew: Fix of libpng warning: Ignoring extra png_read_update_info() call; row buffer not reallocated
  • New system audio codec is available - Monkey audio (.ape files), 20070525
  • T&V HappyPlayer updated (20070729)

7. USB devices

  • Searching information: Does eComStation supports USB Touch screens?
  • USB FAQs are updated. Read advices from Robert Lalla, how to increase the performance of reading from USB 2.0 flash disks.

8. Bootable JFS

Updated JFS drivers (20070612), available from BETAZONE, whatsnew:

  • Several threads are creating files with equal names
  • Fixed 4os2 problem
  • enabled symbol "+" in EA
  • added /G:gid /U:uid for compatibility with Linux

Support our efforts purchasing JRescuer recovery tool

9. eCo Software support service

The hardware database contains more than 1190 reports of supported hardware. You can post new reports or add notes to published. Now gathering reports about supported Color Laser Printers

10. Collaboration with other developers

11. Additional information:

I select eComStation because..

2007-08-04 14:38:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Every user can post own opinion, why he likes eComStation?

The next conference in 3 monthes

2007-07-16 11:41:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You have all chances to visit eComStation conferences in 2007, check your organizer:

There are plans for Developers Workshop 2008 -- end of april .. end of may, 2008, Place: Duisburg or Dusseldorf, Germany

During archaeological excavations, we have found the mentions of Second Annual OS/2 World Conference & Exhibition (July 17-20, 1995; Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Mass.)

Full list of conferences - www.ecomstation.ru site

The 1-st review of eComStation 2.0 RC1

2007-06-29 19:43:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Thom Holwerda published short review of eComStation 2.0 RC1

As you can see, eComStation developers should invest extra efforts into User Interface improvement.

eCo Software is working on eSchemes mechanism and Piano Launchpad (scalable icons)

eComStation PC

2007-04-13 01:07:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The only way to attract new users to eComStation - start sellings of eComStation PC. Only experienced user is able install eComStation on Core 2 Duo PC or notebook. If you have resources, please join this mission and become eComStation reseller.

Here is the list of eComStation distributors, resellers and distributors of computers with eComStation pre-installed: official list, alternative list

What is eComStation PC? eComStation PC is a desktop/notebook with a non-standard case, with eComStation case badge, with eComStation pre-installed.

Why eComStation PC still doesn't exist? not popular?

  • (OK, some distributors are selling PC with eComStation pre-installed, nevertheless..)
  • It's impossible open eComStation shop in every city. Users are living in different countries, different cities and districts. The size of eComStation community is not large. Users are going to the nearest computer shop and purchase hardware there.
  • The users always need specific hardware (manufactured by different companies, new fresh hardware). It's impossible make them purchase old tested hardware only.
  • Conclusion: it's impossible make users purchase eCS PC from eCS resellers only. That's why eComStation resellers are not able offer 2 or 3 models of eComStation PC.

Why eComStation PC is so important?

  • User economizes time. All drivers and software is pre-installed. No troubles with LVM or ACPI.
  • Resellers will order service software, other special software from developers
  • User economizes money. PC + software is cheaper than separate components
  • It's very difficult make novice users purchase CD with eComStation. But it's easy sell then eComStation PC.

How to support eComStation resellers and make them promote eComStation PC?

  • Support your local reseller. Buy hardware and software from the reseller again. Order a barebone or notebook from the reseller.
  • Promote your local reseller if he served you without problems in your local user group, forums.
  • Request system tools from the reseller

Let's gather solutions based on eComStation

2007-02-28 20:21:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]


  • PBX on eComStation -- private phone network of arbitrary size with a central controlling unit (Germany, WS IT-Service and Logic Consult GmbH)
  • Oz. Of Prevention System -- Computerized Maintenance Management System (Aviar, USA)
  • eComStation is more favourable for enterprises than Windows (russian text).
  • The largest interactive FM radio stations in Russia are using technology based on eComStation. Here is the overview on russian language: Interactive FM radiostations in Russia. 'Interactive' means that listeners are sending SMS/email/phone messages to RadioDJ and his guests. SMSRC32 and eComStation are used to gather & process such SMS messages. (russian text, look at screenshots)

OS/2 (eComStation) is alive while people are using and improving the system. The developers of solutions ensure long life for our operating system because computers with OS/2 make money for their customers year by year. The developers bring new industrial technologies to OS/2, feed support service, fill OS/2 with unique features to keep the solutions competitive.

Examples of solutions based on OS/2: ATM, sound processing (speech, digital restoration of sound), training devices (astronauts, oilmen), technical appliances (measuring, medical), virtual machines (mainframes, SVISTA), CMMS, restaurants, etc.

Why should you write the story today?

  • You should do this to protect your investments made into OS/2 platform.
  • OS/2 users are located in different countries and cities. They will read the story because of OS/2 word :) And spread the information about your company and products among own colleagues.
  • The developer of the operating system will get information about your requirements and improve OS to satisfy them.
  • Your story gives stimulus to thousands of users, developers and companies.
  • It's easy. Solution story is based on usual product flyer.

Where to collect solutions? www.ecomstation.ru site is hosting Solutions list since 2002. Yyou can publish german, dutch, english texts there.

How to write Solutions story? Take the flyer of your product, add Introduction, add one-two paragraphs about advantages of OS/2 usage, add 2 advertisement photos/screenshots, 2 screenshots of back-end demonstating usage of OS/2. Send the story to e-mail: support (at) ecomstation.ru

Welcome to homepage of solutions!

eComStation is more favourable for enterprises than Windows

2007-02-09 22:29:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We asked users help us compare eComStation and Windows. When to recommend eComStation to customers? What are the advantages?

IBM Peer fix for Multi-core systems

2007-02-07 14:29:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Don't forward this message to other sites.

We remind to users about Peer fix for SMP computers to solve the problem of OS trap on startup. You can download it from www.ecomstation.com, search for "APAR IC31990 - Fix for Peer". The fix is included to the latest version of eComStation, so check if you need it before apply.

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