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(Unofficial) Fixpak for eComStation

2014-05-21 04:11:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software is collecting updated components for eComStation.

Downloads: FixPack 2014/03

You can share your minds what components to include to the next fixpak.

Fixpak is included to Essentials for OS/2 Warp and eComStation

Switch eComStation to your language

2014-04-14 16:22:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Imagine that you are organizing a conference and configuring eCS computers for the guests:

  • Install English eCS to all computers.
  • Adjust computers for every guest individually: install LIP package so he can use computer without headache.

=== Multi-pack ===

LIP multi-pack - base packages, not full translation!

Use this package to switch English eComStation to one of this languages: Czech, German, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, Swedish.

The utility changes Codepage, Country and Keyboard settings. It translates names of WPS objects to your language.

!!! Before installation: make backup of your desktop and system files. Tools for backup: DMT utility, system Archive Desktop (properties of desktop).

Plans of LIP development:

  • We are going release korean and japanese basic LIP packs.

=== Participation of users: ===

A) Join the project: You can translate system files, applications to your language, we will include this add-ons to LIP packages.

B) Support the project: If you agree that LIP project is important, you can sponsor our activity. (We will publish your name or alias in the list of sponsors).

ACPI, more reports to collect

2014-04-14 12:43:04 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

(unofficial message) Does ACPI driver work on your computer / laptop?

Post reports via web-form

The results are published here: ACPI tested hardware (quick list)

1) From:

  • Your name, email
  • SHOW your name / or HIDE it
  • email is always hidden and not recorded for mailing lists
  • ACPI version: 3.21, 3.22. Old versions are not supported

2) If it works fine then post positive short report: 1 or 2 lines of text:
%version% / %model of computer% / %boot with ACPI% / %works with ACPI%
ACPI 3.22.x / Thinkpad T61 / boots fine / works fine, suspend/resume - no, ..

3) If computer hangs with ACPI driver. and boots fine without ACPI.
ACPI 3.22.x / Thinkpad T430 / doesn't boot / none

What is the reason to collect this short reports?

  • We don't have information about current level of ACPI support. it works fine for many computers but we don't see negative reports.
  • The users are lazy to post detailed reports. To attract attention of users and make them share full reports it's necessary make many efforts, organize the process.

I like User Interface

2014-03-31 02:12:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What elements of user interface in OS/2, OS/2 Warp, eComStation do you like? Every version of the system was ugly but had some unique / nice / comfortable elements.

Examples: "I like yellow Entry-fields in Warp 3", "frame-buttons in Warp 4", "the icon of application X was nice", ..

Please share your impressions.


Collection of wallpapers for eComStation users:

ACPI, quick poll

2014-03-11 03:32:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Does ACPI driver work on your computer / laptop?

Post reports via web-form

The results will be published here: ACPI tested hardware (quick list)

1) From:

  • Your name, email
  • SHOW your name / or HIDE it
  • email is always hidden and not recorded for mailing lists
  • ACPI version: 3.21, 3.22. Old versions are not supported

2) If it works fine then post positive short report: 1 or 2 lines of text:
%version% / %model of computer% / %boot with ACPI% / %works with ACPI%
ACPI 3.22.x / Thinkpad T61 / boots fine / works fine, suspend/resume - no, ..

3) If computer hangs with ACPI driver. and boots fine without ACPI.
ACPI 3.22.x / Thinkpad T430 / doesn't boot / none

What is the reason to collect this short reports?

  • We don't have information about current level of ACPI support. it works fine for many computers but we don't see negative reports.
  • The users are lazy to post detailed reports. To attract attention of users and make them share full reports it's necessary make many efforts, organize the process.

eComStation Left/Right: support of Virtual Machines

2014-02-25 18:03:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

In some cases we should protect eComStation, because our market is fragile and restricted. It's important to stimulate the users install the OS to real hardware, not to virtual machine.

  • Is it necessary distribute eComStation as image for virtual machine? Answer: NO
  • Is it necessary automatically install additions, if OS is installing to virtual machine? Answer: NO
  • Is it necessary collaborate with the developers of virtual machines? Answer: there is no need to create special departments or select engineers for this tasks.
  • Is it necessary restrict the functionality of OS running inside VM? Answer: Yes, some secondary functionality could be resticted (resolution of screen, restrictions in user interface, etc)

Previous discussions:

What small settings do you change manually?

2014-02-23 00:23:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What system settings did you changed in the last few weeks? Share your experience, what and where to adjust *manually*?

  • change cache of JFS in CONFIG.SYS
  • change the value of PROGRAMS (default directory for installation of new apps)
  • activate USB CD-ROM
  • ? your advice

History of eComStation: OS/2 innovations

2014-02-23 00:17:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users collected facts about history of video players for eComStation and OS/2 Warp

Let's recall the history of Graphics editors for OS/2 (photo editors, picture editors, 3D) The results are publised here

eComStation Left/Right: Graphics setup utilities

2014-02-09 16:18:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What direction to select? How eCS will grow?

  • Keep all setup utilities as is, save new settings to CONFIG.SYS and os2*.ini files?
  • Or all properties / settings should be available through graphics utility? All undocumented settings should be available too?

Our opinion: Simple users will continue to use eCS if we collect all settings to one application with graphics user interface.

Week of PCI serial add-on cards

2014-02-05 02:32:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible PCI serial add-on cards (example: 16 8 port RS-232 serial PCI adapters, com-port).

Our database contains ~ 10 records only.

Post reports via web-form.

PCI adapters. Which driver do you use, how to setup it? Does it work in SMP APIC mode? Do you use SIO or system driver pscom.sys?

Mistakes of eComStation

2014-02-01 18:30:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Let's analyze what mistakes we make, what problems can be fixed.

10 mistakes of eComStation in the past, 10 opportunities in the future (Part 2) (russian text)

Early we have published: 10 mistakes of eComStation in the past, 10 opportunities in the future (2012/04)

ATM machine: Windows XP inside

2014-01-20 02:08:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.de]

95% of all ATM machines (in Germany ?) are running Windows XP or Windows 2000. (Source: www.heise.de)

Seems that all OS/2 ATM machines were replaced with Windows XP models in ~ 2005. (Read the articles at ATM machines and IBM OS/2 Warp web-site)

Now it's time to update ATM machines again and migrate to new version of Windows.

Russian version of eComStation 2.2

2014-01-07 04:10:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation 2.2 beta II (beta 11) can be switched to russian language.

After installation of english version, it's necessary execute LIP package deployment.

Homepage of LIP packages

Extracting russian resources:

We have created LIP packages for other languages. You can join testing / translation.

eComStation: Results of 2013

2013-12-22 04:17:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Main results of year 2013 - udpated USB drivers (sequence of updates). Several developers are working on USB, (debugging, multi-processor compatibility, patches integration).

IF we have working USB 2.0 drivers, then it's possible to implement USB 3.0 drivers, then support for different USB devices may be implemented, control applications can be developed.
(eComStation: If .., then .., else..)

eComStation If .., then .., else..

2013-12-22 03:54:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You can post more sentences "What will change if implement this in eCS.. Else.."

The first sentences are simple but somebody should collect this minds. Later you will see links and see important conclusions.

  • [GPS USB] If implement support of USB GPS receivers, then PMMaps/2 may be updated and it will indicate the location of computer. => eCS may be used as car GPS tracker.
  • [OPENGL_ES] If implement OpenGL ES runtime, then several small games and apps based on OpenGL ES may be ported
  • [ENGINEER] If we have software aimed to draw and design curcuit schemes, then the engineers which are using this software, will make something useful (write aux utilities and small apps)
  • [PC-resellers] If eCS can make N functions then small sellers of computers will sell computers with eCS pre-installed. 2) If price of OEM version is small (chaper than Windows) then the resellers can use eCS as default system
  • [WPS-CopyMove] If improve navigation on desktop, then users start using WPS (not only to lauch apps) => more Zippy users, => more PCM address book users
  • [eCS-resellers] New people buy eCS for office needs if we offer black boxes with 1 function (eCS computer which executes 1 important task).
  • [APPS-Photoshop] - If develop Photoshop, this will not change the situation. 0 designers. There reason to develop small utilities and apps (draw with stylus, edit photos), which cover the needs of existing users

eComStation 2.2 beta II now available

2013-12-16 03:29:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New version is available, number: "eCS 2.2 beta II"

Serenity Systems International and Mensys BV are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the eComStation 2.2 beta II Release. This beta release is available in English only.

This product is available for download to all registered users of Software Subscription Services for eComStation.

eComStation 2.2 beta III will follow before the final release. This eCS eComStation 2.2 beta II is done to test that most issue's with USB, AHCI and disk geometry problems are resolved.

This release does not address all bugs open currently in the eCS bugtracker.

eComStation 2.2 beta II

This is a beta version of eComStation 2.2, provided to interested customers for the purpose of testing and evaluation.

eComStation 2.2 includes many new features. While our in-house testing indicates that they are fully functional and reliable, we would appreciate as many reports from our beta testers as possible in order to complete our evaluation prior to final product release.

Consequently, we would request that, when using the eComStation 2.2 Beta, you pay particular attention to testing and evaluating the following new or improved features:

  • New: CUPS printer support. Support for a large variety of printers is installed by default.
  • New: File Open Container.
  • New: split view for desktop folders.
  • New: Adapters and Protocols configuration program.
  • New: PNG Desktop. (large icons)
  • ACPI power management, especially in combination with multiple processors. The ACPI support in eComStation 2.2 has been significantly overhauled relative to earlier versions.
  • Video driver performance with Panorama. Panorama has received considerable improvement since eComStation 2.1; in particular, widescreen displays should now be much better-supported.
  • WiFi support has been updated with new versions of the XWLAN widget and the WPA supplicant program.
  • A Java-based RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) client has been added to facilitate remote connections to Windows workstations and servers.

Please refer to http://www.ecomstation.com/support/ecs22beta/ for more information on this beta and guidelines to submit your reports.


This product is provided as a downloadable ISO file, this is a raw DVD image that you can burn on DVD-R media. For instructions on burning the ISO image to DVD please consult the PDF document "howtoburncds.pdf" available in the same directory as the ISO files.


eComStation 2.2 Beta requires a valid eComStation 2.0 or 2.1 registration key for installing. You should have received this registration key as part of your previous eComStation 2.x purchase. You can download it (by logging in at http://www.ecomstation.com) in digital form, ready to be imported during the installation process.


This product is available for download to all registered users of Software Subscription Services for eComStation. If you subscription has expired, you can purchase a renewal which will grant you immediate access to the download.

More details can be found at http://www.ecomstation.com/subscription/


We hope you will enjoy testing this beta version of eComStation 2.2.

Best regards,

Serenity Systems International / Mensys B.V.

(December 13, 2013)

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