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History: User interface

2013-12-07 22:53:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We continue to analyze the changes of eComStation and OS/2 Warp user interface
User interface

(You can send us add-ons)

Demo version of eComStation 2.2 (2013/12)

2013-12-07 16:42:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

This demo will run directly form CD, when inserted in the CD player of the computer. It will not touch the harddrive in any way, but instead run entirely in RAM memory. This enables the user to evaluate the eComStation product easily, without having to having to modify their system. The demo CD is able to detect and configure a possible network adapter, so the user will be able to access the Internet directly from the CD. If no supported network adapter is found, it is possible to use a modem connection to dial-in to the Internet.


Post your email to get link to .iso image.

System requirements:

  • minimum of 160 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • Boot from CD supported in system BIOS
  • High speed CD player is preferred
  • Network card for Internet access
  • alternatively an external modem
  • Booting from anything other than CD (i.e. USB memorystick) is not supported

eComStation: 14 years on the way

2013-09-16 01:08:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

14 years ago Serenity Systems and Mensys BV reached agreements with IBM regarding eComStation (operating system based on IBM OS/2 Warp). (source)

eComStation 1.0 was released in 2001.

The development of eCS is performed using internal resources (sponsor units from users and selling of licenses to commercial customers)

(from the left) Bob St.John, Oliver Mark (IBM) и Kim Cheung (year 2000)

Read more: History of eComStation 1.0

Users of eCS, eCS whatsnew, ported software

2013-07-19 03:12:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Eugene Gorbunoff answered to the questions of users: Users of eCS, eCS whatsnew, ported software

See also: Interviews with other active OS/2 developers

eComStation pre-installed to SSD drive

2013-07-08 04:48:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

SSD drives are 5-10 times faster than usual hard drives, SSD are silent and cool. eComStation SSD

Contact your locla eComStation reseller and order SSD with eComStation pre-installed. When do you need it?

  • You don't have time to learn installation procedure and you need ready for use disk
  • The cost of SSD drive is high in your city and low in the city of the reseller
  • Sometimes you can't install eCS to PC and you need aux PC.

MultiMac R8169 driver for eComStation version 0.3.1

2013-05-19 23:56:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE, David Azarewicz]

Mensys BV is pleased to announce the availability of the MulitMac Realtek Gigabit PCIe NIC Driver for driver for eComStation version 0.3.1.

This is an NDIS driver for Realtek Gigabit PCI-Express LAN adapters. This driver is based on the source code of r8169 Linux kernel module.

This product is available for download from the eComStation BetaZone.

This version has the following changes:

  • Now supports 41 different chip variations.
More information about the MultiMac drivers can be found at: http://svn.ecomstation.nl/multimac

You can download this new release from the eComStation BetaZone. First log in at http://www.ecomstation.com then click Access the BetaZone.

You can report problems at: http://svn.ecomstation.nl/multimac

Do you have a question? We know the answer

2013-05-11 16:40:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software support service continues work. Maybe you are interested to know:

  • Is eComStation compatible with Windows 8 computers? eCS is able to detect GPT (it will inform user, stop the process).
  • How to automate connection of network resources?
  • How to repair broken eComStation?
  • How to prepare flash disk (USB MSD, flashdisk, flash, USB flash) for eComStation? Visit special site: http://ecomstation.ru/flashdisk
  • Message when starting DOS application: DOS window: doesn't support the video mode in a window
  • How to setup COM-port (serial) for modem
  • OpenOffice.org pause on startup

eComStation 2.2 Russian

2013-05-07 23:44:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have spent 50 hours to upgrade and test russian LIP package (upgrade of eCS 2.1 russian LIP to eCS 2.2 russian LIP)

We have excellent translation of eComStation User Interface to russian language (if compare with Russian Windows).

Preview: eComStation 2.2 Beta, the legacy of OS/2 lives on

2013-05-03 17:05:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You have read this text some weeks ago: Preview: eComStation 2.2 Beta, the legacy of OS/2 lives on

here is russian translation of this text

Other reviews of eComStation on IT web-sites

Notify us if you find new reviews of eComStation in internet.

eComStation: collecting feedback from users

2013-04-21 04:09:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

During the spring eComStation.RU is collecting messages from the users: (send suggestions via web-form)

Mistakes of eComStation What mistakes were made during eComStation development during the last 10 years? What are the perspectives This is important to fix the mistakes. To re-orient the development.

Example: (RUS) 10 mistakes of eComStation in the past, 10 opportunities in the future

eComStation Fixpak What fixes eComStation should include?

Example: a) xxxx.dll is still old, it should be updated; b) there is useful fix on hobbes.nmsu.edu and you tested it.

Reanimation of eComStation Did you had unexpected damage of eComStation? How did you reanimated it?

Example: a system file disappeared. How did you found this?

System information What system info do you need during installation of eCS? during configuration and maintenance?
System setup What configuration options are difficult to adjust? What variables to add to "Control Panel"?

eComStation 2.2 (beta) - significant update

2013-04-19 13:18:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We could see that users wait for eComStation 2.2 and need all its features and updates as soon as possible.

Currently eComStation 2.2 beta is available

  • If your computer is equipped with UEFI instead of BIOS, switch it to Compatible with BIOS mode. Reminder: eComStation should work with any UEFI PC.
  • Genmac installation fails, install Genmac manually (from eCo Market or ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/genmac/)
  • Sunny icons are not activated. Install full shareware Sunny icons.
  • If you have problem of "RAM 512 Mb", install external video adapter to the computer
  • More troubles and solutions are collected in eComStation bug-tracker (ecomstation.com -> Log in -> Profile -> Bug tracker)

History of eComStation development

2013-04-06 01:08:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

In the end of 90-th the users were expecting that the development of OS/2 continues with new forces. eComStation system was founded in the end of 90-th, the development continues during the last 10 years. General goal of eCS developers: eComStation (IBM OS/2 Warp) should run on real hardware.

There was a dangerous moment for OS/2 platform in 2007 when new generation of video adapters flooded the market, so eCS users couldn't use the system on new computers anymore. eCo Software was making research during several monthes, as result Panorama VESA video driver was released (developers of Panorama VESA). The computers were changed in 2012 again, this required new significant changes in Panorama VESA (Mensys BV).

Early (in 2005), the development of ACPI sub-system was started. Computer without ACPI driver is similar to disabled robot-terminator packed to container. To start the computer and make it work at full speed, it's necessary initialize it via ACPI. eCo Software made the most complex part of the project - creation, integration of ACPI-subsystem to the operating system. Several thousands of bug-reports were processed (we had several bug-trackers). Active stage of development continued till the end of 2008. In 2011 new generation of ACPI driver was released (Mensys BV). New version of the driver works on any computer without blame. The improvement of suspend/resume continues.

You can send links to reviews and facts related to the history of eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp. http://ecomstation.ru/history

eComStation 2.2 beta-version

2013-04-05 05:06:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There were several internal builds of eComStation 2.2. The users are testing eCS 2.2 beta 1 now (it's available by subscription).

Use DVD/CD Toys to burn eComStation installation DVD disk.

Official site of eComStation: http://ecomstation.com -> Visit the eComStation portal website

Unofficial site of eComStation 2.2

eComStation 2.2 Beta Demo CD English

2013-03-01 00:23:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://www.os2world.com/past-news/80-software/19516-ecomstation-2-2-beta-demo-cd-english]

It had not been formally announced but the eComStation 2.2 Beta Demo CD (English Language) is available for download at the eComStation.com site.

This is an update for the eComStation Demo Live CD. To download the CD it requires a free registration and the download link will be sent to you e-mail. We will post more information once we have the formal announcement.

eComStation.RU recommends: Use DVD/CD Toys to burn CD

What to include to Demo-CD

2013-02-19 22:08:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What applications do you recommend? What applications to include to eComStation Demo-CD?

"It should be graphically rich, with many different screen styles, games, tricks and hooks. We need something to get people hooked and talking about it. Even if it's a stupid gimmick."

The applications should demonstrate the power and functionality of eComStation. Demonstrate hardware compatibility and technologies supported.

There should be some objects in the folders, so users can click and watch something, close in 1-5 minutes.

  • History: Include a flash demo (or slides) with History of eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp.
  • Games: Mars and Sunny pills
  • System information.. include an utility which shows information about the PC and writes what hardware is supported / not supported by eCS

Status and release of eCS 2.2 beta and final product

2013-02-11 11:48:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

In the second week of April Mensys will release:

  • The new updated eComStation demo CD based on eComStation 2.2
  • eComStation 2.2 German and English will then be out of beta and released as a final product.

A beta of the English beta product will follow. The hold up of this beta public is to make the transfer of the from the IBM USB host controller drivers to the newly updated drivers. The keyboard and mouse driver are already finished. There is currently still being worked on the USB host controller (these communicate with the USB controller chips in your computer).

In eComStation 2.2 ACPI has been switched on by default when eComStation is not installed in a virtualmachine such as Virtualbox or Virtual PC. This will enable eComStation to boot on modern hardware with a much higher degree of success. This will also resolve the TRAPS/hangs on loading screen01.sys.

Also in eCS 2.2 the Panorama graphics driver has been upgraded to provide much better performance on modern hardware.

A lot of drivers such as IBMKBD.SYS, DANIS506.ADD, AMOUSE.SYS and UNIAUD have been updated to work better with ACPI. Some updates have been to fix suspend/resume issue's.

The current eComStation 2.2 beta is basicly complete and being tested to work out the last installer issue's.

YUM/RPM is included but can be installed as an optional package. Its not required.

CUPS has also been integrated in eCS to have more up to date printer support on eComStation.


eComStation.RU collected additional information:

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