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2011/06, Status of russian eComStation 2.0

2011-06-23 16:32:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Russian eComStation 2.1 (2.0) is not ready for release.

  • Work on eComStation/Rus 2.1 / 2.0 is suspended. The status of the project may change in the august of 2011.
  • We have started reserve project in june of 2011. You need fresh eComStation 2.1 installation, Language Switch (AKA "eCS OVER") copies russian files over english files.

    We are going start testing of the package in june of 2011.

    ATTENTION: We are interested collaborate with other translators of eComStation (spanish, swedish, ..)

Recommendations for companies and users:

  • Create two partitions on harddrive, install eComStation 2.1 to the 1-st partition, keep the 2-nd for future russian version.
  • You can get the knowledge from ECSFAQ database


  • eCo Software have released 4 previous versions of eComStation/Rus in the past + + IBM MCP2/Rus + several russian fixpaks for IBM OS/2 Warp.

Homepage of eComStation/Rus: http://ecomstation.ru/ecs-rus

eComStation Turns Ten

2011-06-11 03:36:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

You can post a message to the wall dedicated to this event: eComStation turns 10

Bingo! 3000 bug-reports in eCS bug-tracker

2011-05-28 01:26:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Major part of bug-reports are catched (declared) by the developers themselves. The users should make extra efforts to support the developers.

Do you have a bug-report related to eComStation operating system? (ecomstation.com -> Log In -> bug-tracker). The main bug-tracker of the OS contains part of all bug-reports and usually contains the reports related to installation, base drivers, ..

Here is the list of other large bug-trackers: http://ecomstation.ru (ACPI - 500 tickets, Qt4 - 220, Samba - 170, etc)

Basic minds how to prepare bug-report, start from:

  • Step 1: Select keywords related to your problem (Error number, description of the problem in 5 words, ..)
  • Step 2: Search for duplicate of your report in the bug-tracker
  • Step 3: Create, fill the bug-report, attach logs
  • Step 4: Check the status of bug-report in 3 days, in 7 days.
  • Step 5: If the developer refused the report, repeat it in a week or forward to other developer.

After eComStation 2.1 install

2011-05-25 21:50:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Attention: Always backup important data before installation of new version of OS!

1) What applications do you install on new eComStation 2.1 PC? eCo Market allows you install the most popular applications without extra efforts. (What applications do you recommend? Post your list - we add your list to the queue)

2) Known issues. All PC computers are different (Different manufacturers, different models, different configurations - the behavior of every PC is different). What tricks and tips do you recommend to other users (related to eCS install)? If you have a problem with installation, how to overcome it? Post 1 advice - we are going publish it in the list of known issues)

3) Report about tested notebook / device. Post a report to Hardware Database so other users install eComStation faster and spend time to invent new unique features for eComStation.

4) Write a review of new eComStation. Share your emotions with other people. (Maybe) Don't spend time to the installer review, write how do you use eComStation to make your work: automate the processes, generate multimedia materials or calculate scientific data?

eComStation 2.1 available

2011-05-21 19:11:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.com]

Serenity Systems International and Mensys BV are pleased to announce the immediate availability of eComStation 2.1 GA Release. This release is available in both the English and German language.

This product is available for download to all registered users of Software Subscription Services for eComStation and available for purchase from your favourite reseller. For more information, please visit: http://www.ecomstation.com/buy/


The following eComStation 2.1 versions are available:

- eComStation 2.1 Home & Student
- eComStation 2.1 Business Edition
- eComStation 2.1 Server Edition

The Home & Student version can be used by any private or small
office user. As a private or small office user, you are allowed
to have up to 5 licenses installed for production usage. If you
need to install more than 5 licenses, you are required to purchase
the Business Edition.

The Server Edition is based on the Business Edition and adds the
IBM Warp Server for eBusiness components to offer a full
professional server environment for your business.

== WHATS NEW? ==

The most notable changes since eComStation 2.0 GA are listed below.

New features:

* Include AiR-BOOT (version 1.0.7 final) to allow installation of
  multiboot environments without sacrificing a primary partition
  (required for most Windows 7 preloads)
* Updated ACPIWIZARD to handle APM aware mousedrivers
* AHCI support, enables installation on AHCI only systems. AHCI
  controllers deliver considerably better performance than regular
  SATA controllers.
* Added AHCI option to preboot menu (currently required to select
* Added BOOTDLY driver, which causes a 20 second boot delay so SCSI
  controller + disks can properly initialize. Driver is added by
  OS2CSM and HWMERGE when a SCSI driver is selected.
* Replaced preboot disk integrity check with version that runs during
  the graphical installation routine. This provides more user
  interactivity and feedback.
* Updated kernel to 14.105, with fix to prevent PROCDUMP trap.

Updated Applications:

* Updated Firefox to version 4.0.1.
* Add Exceptq v7.1 to BASEUTIL (improves traphandling in f.e. Firefox 4)
* Updated MINILVM to improve backwards compatibility; help updates.
* Updated Archive Viewer to v2.1
* Add p7zip and cpio to BASEUTIL (required for ArcView 7z and RPM file
* Updated eCo Runtime to version 20101224
* Updated USBDOCK to version 20110319
* Updated NeoWPS * USB Widget to build version 2671
* Updated Lucide to version 1.3.3 GA.
* Updated EVFSGUI to version + utils
* Updated EVFSIFS to version
* Updated EVFSPLUGIN to version 2.0.1
* Updated eStyler to 1.1.93 (support eWP shutdown).
* Updated LLAECS to 1.01.1002
* Updated Workplace Sans fonts to v0.8 with embedded bitmaps
* Updated DFsee engine to OEM version 10.7
* Updated 4OS2 to version 3.06 (from 3.04h)
* Updated GCC4CORE to 1.1.0 (now includes GCC452)
* Updated DATASEEK to version 1.0.1

Updated / added drivers:

* Added AHCI driver 1.12
* Updated DANIS506.ADD to version 1.8.9. Now AHCI aware.
* Updated ACPI 3.18 package to support kernel 14.105
* Updated Uniaud to version 1.9.26
* Updated e1000e and Nvidia driver to multimac version.
* Updated hw database to new multimac realtek driver, add
  broadcom devices.
* Removed Genmac support for 8086:104A and 8086:107C, install failed
  and chipsets are now covered by native Intel NIC driver.
* Updated hardware detection database to support new Intel PRO/1000 PCIe
* Updated DFsee engine to OEM version 10.7
* Updated PCIDEVS.TXT to ha_merged, 11 Oct 2010 08:16:43
* Updated POINTDD.SYS to bldlevel 10.070
* Updated LVM.DLL to version 20110111,
* Added LOCK.EXE (from UDF package) to baseutil.
* Updated UNLOCK.EXE to UDF-enabled version
* Updated bootable JFS to 1.9.4, including helper and symbol files
* Updated OS2DASD.DMD and symbol files to 14.105 (was 14.096)
* Updated Panorama driver VBE2GRAD.DLL to fix problems with VirtualBox.

A complete list of changes, updates and bugfixes can be found at


This product is provided as a downloadable ISO file, this is a raw CD
image that you can burn on CD-R media.  For instructions on burning
the CD image to CD please consult the PDF document "howtoburncds.pdf"
available in the same directory as the ISO files.

Alternatively you can purchase an eComStation 2.1 media pack from your
favorite reseller. For a list of resellers please refer to


eComStation 2.1 requires a registration key for installing. This
registration key is part of the eComStation 2.1 purchase and is
available digitally to be imported during the installation process.
An existing eComStation 2.0 key is accepted by the installation process.

When the installation is finished you can use the icon "Register
Online" icon on the desktop to make sure your copy is registered at
http://www.ecomstation.com/ in order to receive support and updates.


This product is available for download to all registered users of
Software Subscription Services for eComStation. If you subscription has
expired, you can purchase a renewal which will grant you immediate
access to the download.

More details can be found at http://www.ecomstation.com/subscription/

== ENJOY ==

We hope you will enjoy this new version of eComStation 2.1. 

What technologies are available in eComStation?

2011-05-19 00:59:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation operating systym supports various technologies and many standards. Some Key Technologies are outdated, other are actual.

Current task - collect the list of supported standards and technologies. If you agree that it's important please post the names and notes (to comments of this message or via web-form)

Roderick Klein answers to your questions

2011-05-05 12:40:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Roderick Klein answered to the questions about coming Warpstock Europe 2011 conference and eComStation. Roderick is working in Mensys BV company and is responsible for some components of eComStation.

Warpstock Europe 2011 interview: Roderick Klein

See also:

eCo Software is searching for sponsors

2011-04-28 11:55:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software is the only company releasing new shareware-products for eComStation / IBM OS/2 market today. The sellings of shareware return 20% of invested resources and funds. That's why sponsor support from users is very important for eCo Software.

How to support eCo Software:

Our sponsors in the past:

How are you going celebrate eComStation birthday?

2011-04-14 17:25:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation Turns Ten in the summer (please check this fact)

How are you going celebrate this holiday?

  • How to celebrate?
  • Who can analyze the results of 10 years?
  • Does anybody collect history facts?

eComStation 2.0 russian version

2011-04-03 17:32:59 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation 2.0 russian may be released in April of 2011.

A) We are searching for users interested join testing of eCS/Rus 2.0 (among eCS/Rus 1.2.5 users)

  • Send us your contact information via web-form
  • How many computers are you going to use? Models of computers and date of manufacturing: 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011.
  • Scenario of installation: Windows hard drive, upgrade of previous eCS, inside virtual machine, ..

B) What applications do you recommend to mention (add links to..) on CD1, CD2? The area of PC usage is changing every year, what are your current requirements?

C) Are you going post the results of testing to other sites? or discuss eCS 2.0 on IT forums?

D) It's important to test special software (industrial solutions) and non-standard hardware.

E) Moreover, we ask the users translate some applications here is the list; write some REXX scripts, write application reviews. So eCo Software team can concentrate on eCS/Rus 2.0 work.

Does Samba client work for you?

2011-03-30 12:17:39 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We still can't understand, does Samba client work for eComStation users? Do you have troubles with connection and read/write access? Please post confirmation or add-ons.

bug-report #1
  • user 2: eCS 2.0 RC6a ?? or GA, Open remote text file, add some characters, save it. You see that the size of file = 0. Reomte PC: other eComStation / IBM Peers.
  • user 1: eCS 2.0 GA, edit remote text file with fc/2, save - fc/2 reports that the file was modified by other process/program after load.
bug-report #2
  • user 1: eCS 2.0 GA, Version: ndpsmb-2_0_1-GA-20110306.wpi , if upload files to share, then remote disk dissapears (in several seconds/minutes) with all mounted points. Remote computers: Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP

Samba client bug-tracker

Installing eComStation 2.0

2011-03-28 19:00:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New season is starting.. the users are installing eComStation on new computers. Here is the reminder for users installing eComStation 2.0:

eComStation Artefacts

2011-03-24 18:54:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.TV site published new clip: eComStation Artefacts (2011/03)

(btw, the logos of eComStation and other artwork is published on the eComStation Attributes site; Here is the collection of eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp artefacts - forum)

P.S. Do you use eCo Software applications? Please vote: I like eCo Software

eCS 2.0: Do you have problems with Network, Audio or USB?

2011-01-15 23:33:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Do you have problems with Network (slow, no connection, ..), Audio (hangs, clicks, ..), USB (attached devices are not visible, slow work, etc)?
Do you use ACPI.PSD driver (check: bootable volume -> config.sys -> psd=acpi.psd)? Start reanimation of eCS PC from this article: Configuring ACPI driver for eComStation 2.0 (links to databases, how to resolve IRQ conflicts)

More frequently asked question and answers - eCSFAQ

eComStation: results of 2010

2010-12-31 21:24:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) We are collecting the results on the site of eCS history: eComStation History (russian text)

2) os2world.com editor has other list: eComStation - OS/2 and the past 2010

3) What we can do? Let's select the best program of 2010, which application do you nominate to e-ball Awards 2010?

eComStation 2.0 - known problems; bug-tracker

2010-11-27 23:26:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

If you have troubles with eCS installation then create the bug-report. Every user has different model of PC, different configuration.

  • ENG: ecomstation.com -> Log in -> Access bug-tracker -> ..
  • Support page -> Bug-trackers (OpenOffice.org, Genmac Wrapper, ..)

Known issues of eCS 2.0 which you can overcome/fix without extra efforts.

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